Are you looking for a holiday home in Italy? You can buy it for just one euro!

This house is located in the town of Gangi, in the South of the country. Gangi’s mayor came up with the idea to put some life back into the town because poverty caused many inhabitants to leave it after World War II. Even if this offer seems too good to be true, there is a catch: people have to renovate the house within three years and this could cost you more than €20,000. However, this idea still attracts many persons. What do you think?

I linked this article with the notion Idea of Progress. First of all because Gangi passed from being an uninhabited town to a famous and visited place. Secondly, the money tourists spend on it, helps the economic situation of the Italian town.

I am personally interested because of the price. I also think people can be creative and original renovating the house as they want, beautifying the town of  Gangi.


Hello class, today I am more than pleased to share with you an article, which totally changed my way of organizing. The article is entitled “Mess makes you more creative”, published on April 6th, 2014.

The article treats about an experiment done by a marketing professor, where she tested 48 people. She wanted to study if a place or a situation can affect the way of thinking or making decisions. So, she placed a portion of the individuals in an unkept room and the other part of the individuals in a nice and organized room. After the experiment, she concluded: more artistic and creative ideas are developed in an untidy room and on the contrary, precise and faster decisions are taken in a much more organized room.

I linked this article with the notion places and forms of power, this notion refers to the capacity that a location has to change somebody or something. In this case, it refers to the ability of a place to influence the way of thinking of a person, because of the messiness or tidiness of a bedroom.

Personally, I really enjoyed this article. Not only because I think I am a really creative person and now I have an excuse for my messy room, but I think it is interesting how the state of a place can affect someone so much. From now on, I will keep my room much more well-kept, so I can be at the same time creative and being able to take decision faster. I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did.